Version | Date | Changes |
2.0 | 2025-01-12 | The site layout is converted to WordPress. Resolutions increased for most images, and less disturbing watermarks are added. |
1.14 | 2024‑11‑24 | W03 Aslankaya inscription page is updated with a new reading proposal. |
1.13 | 2024-10-28 | Added new images in Ankara, Faharet Çeşme, and Tyana Inscriptions pages. Some image updates in Boğazkale, Dümrek, and Gordion Inscriptions pages. |
1.12 | 2024-02-13 | Added a new inscription (G-12) in the Gordion Inscriptions page. |
1.11 | 2023-11-27 | Added new monuments (A12, A13, A24a, A34, A35, A37, A38) in the Midas City page. Added catalog numbers of Dietrich Berndt for altars/idols of Midas City. Added new images for Göynüş Altar 1, Menekşe Kayalar Altar 2, and Keskaya Idol. |
1.10 | 2023-05-11 | A gallery-style image viewer is added for all pages. Some image resolutions have been increased in various pages. Added images (mostly drawings) in Kerkenes, Midas City, Göynüş, Fındık, Ankara, Bahşayiş, Aslankaya, Değirmen Yeri, and Boğazkale. |
1.08 | 2022-05-28 | Added and replaced images in Gordion, Ankara, and Alacahöyük. |
1.07 | 2022-05-06 | Added new images in Deliklitaş, Daskyleion, and Berberini. |
1.06 | 2021-10-26 | Added new images for Vezirhan Inscription. |
1.05 | 2021-10-05 | Added new images in Deliktaş, Dübecik, Dümrek, Gordion, Göynüş A3, Maltaş, Nallıkaya, Kalehisar, Kerkenes, Kırkinler, and Faharet Çeşme. Altars A4, A5, A6, and A7 in Dümrek are renumbered in accordance with the numbering of Tüfekçi-Sivas. Some info updates in Dümrek, Faharet Çeşme, Kırkinler, and Maltaş. |
1.04 | 2021-05-08 | Tumulus MM is added in Gordion page. J. H. Haynes photographs are added in Aslankaya, Areyastis, and Doğanlı pages. |
1.03 | 2021-03-30 | Added new inscription pages in the Inscription List Page and updated their locations on the main page map. Added a new image of the triple idol in Göynüş. |
1.02 | 2021-01-23 | Inscription pages are created with a list page. Added A16 under Midas City. Added a niche under Demirli. Added new images for Niche 1 and Altar 28 in Midas City, Maltaş, Bahşayiş, and Kerkenes. Minor info updates on various pages. |
1.01 | 2021-01-01 | Added a new site: Alaçan. |