Version History

2.02025-01-12The site layout is converted to WordPress. Resolutions increased for most images, and less disturbing watermarks are added.
1.142024‑11‑24W03 Aslankaya inscription page is updated with a new reading proposal.
1.132024-10-28Added new images in AnkaraFaharet Çeşme, and Tyana Inscriptions pages. Some image updates in BoğazkaleDümrek, and Gordion Inscriptions pages.
1.122024-02-13Added a new inscription (G-12) in the Gordion Inscriptions page.
1.112023-11-27Added new monuments (A12, A13, A24a, A34, A35, A37, A38) in the Midas City page. Added catalog numbers of Dietrich Berndt for altars/idols of Midas City. Added new images for Göynüş Altar 1Menekşe Kayalar Altar 2, and Keskaya Idol.
1.102023-05-11A gallery-style image viewer is added for all pages. Some image resolutions have been increased in various pages. Added images (mostly drawings) in KerkenesMidas CityGöynüşFındıkAnkaraBahşayişAslankayaDeğirmen Yeri, and Boğazkale.
1.082022-05-28Added and replaced images in GordionAnkara, and Alacahöyük.
1.072022-05-06Added new images in DeliklitaşDaskyleion, and Berberini.
1.062021-10-26Added new images for Vezirhan Inscription.
1.052021-10-05Added new images in DeliktaşDübecikDümrekGordion, Göynüş A3MaltaşNallıkayaKalehisarKerkenesKırkinler, and Faharet Çeşme. Altars A4, A5, A6, and A7 in Dümrek are renumbered in accordance with the numbering of Tüfekçi-Sivas. Some info updates in DümrekFaharet ÇeşmeKırkinler, and Maltaş.
1.042021-05-08Tumulus MM is added in Gordion page. J. H. Haynes photographs are added in AslankayaAreyastis, and Doğanlı pages.
1.032021-03-30Added new inscription pages in the Inscription List Page and updated their locations on the main page map. Added a new image of the triple idol in Göynüş.
1.022021-01-23Inscription pages are created with a list page. Added A16 under Midas City. Added a niche under Demirli. Added new images for Niche 1 and Altar 28 in Midas CityMaltaşBahşayiş, and Kerkenes. Minor info updates on various pages.
1.012021-01-01Added a new site: Alaçan.