It was discovered during surveys in a place called Alaçan at Harlık locality, 3.6 km west of Midas Kale, in 2018. It is a single rock idol found on an east-facing rock. The idol made in low relief consists of a single head and body. The head sits directly on the body. There is no neck or shoulder detail. The vertical lines made on both sides of the body remind of the symbolic arm detail. Similarly, there are double rows of deeply incised lines around the head, interpreted as symbolic hair. Such hair detailed idols in Midas City (A2, A28, and A29) and Sincan. The upper part of the head has been destroyed. There is a 40 cm wide narrow platform in front of the idol, which was probably created to be used for offering purposes.
Polat, Y. 2019. Yazılıkaya/Midas Vadisi Araştırmalarında Bulunan Bir Kaya İdolü, Colloquium Anatolicum 18, 18, 139-154.
Image sources:
Y. Polat, 2019