Inscription B-05:
It is an inscription on a Greco-Persian-style limestone stele found in two pieces in the Sangarios valley near the Vezirhan district of Bilecik. The 1.5-meter-high stele has three separate reliefs on the upper part. At the top is the relief of a female bust with open arms on both sides. There is a bird on each arm and a lion below each arm. On account of these animals, it is believed that the relief represents the mother goddess Matar. Below this is the relief of a dining scene depicting standing and sitting people. The third relief shows a horse rider in a boar hunt. Below the reliefs there is a 13-line Old Phrygian inscription. This text is surrounded by a more carelessly engraved 7-line Greek inscription, thought to have been added afterwards. All lines of the Old Phrygian inscription are written sinistroverse, while the Greek inscription is dextroverse. It is dated to the 5th century BCE. The stele is in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum.

sin⸗t imenạn kạliyạ ti tedạt[oy.]edekm[…]mẹạṣ? ḍ?ụ?ṃịḍ
iben edạtoy dạkerạn ạtriyạs dạvoi okiṃạḳịṿạ[‑‑‑]
vrekạn vitạrạn artimitoṣ krạniyạs [‑‑‑]
pạntạ vebrạṣ ạdun p?os key estạt pator.?ike[…]ẹ[..] ạndạti
vạy niptiyạy dạker kạrạtu enpsạtus mekạ[‑‑‑]ạsiyạ..?
nidus ạd kạliyay kạrạtụ pạnạtu ạndo popostois kḷạṇịṿ
kelmis ke umniṣet evrạduṣ dạḳerạiṣ key iverais [..]
aṭikrạiu yos niy ạrt sin⸗t imenạn kạkạ oskạvos kạkey
kạn dedạsitiy tubetiv oy ṇẹvos derạliv mekạṣ key
koṿis ạbretoy nun ibey neṿotạn ṇiptiyan sirun mireyun
†iv† <s>imun inmeney asenan daket torvetun 𐊁irạy ạyniy oy
tubnuv nevos, me deritoy kovis ke ạbretoy nun oy nev<otan>
yos isekosos 𐊁emeney ḍupratoy, vebạn ituv
‘Kallias put this shrine … whoever does harm around this shrine … his son, his daughter and … Whoever puts an asenan in this shrine, cutting a tree by his hand or … his son, let him not … his son. Whoever …’
Neumann, G. 1997. ‘Die zwei Inschriften auf der Stele von Vezirhan’, Frigi e Frigio; Atti del 1° Simposio Internazionale Roma, 16-17 ottobre 1995, Eds. R. Gusmani/M. Salvini/P. Vannicelli, Roma, 13-31.
Brixhe, C. 2004. ‘Corpus des inscriptions paléo-phrygiennes: Supplément II’, Kadmos 43, 1-130.
Obrador-Cursach, B. 2018. Lexicon of the Phrygian Inscriptions, Thesis, Barcelona.
Erpehlivan, H. 2021. ‘Phrygian traces in the Bilecik region and the Vezirhan stele’, TÜBA-AR 28, 155-174.
Image Sources:
G. Neumann, 1997
H. Erpehlivan, 2021