Inscription W-11 on Altar 2
(Not to be confused with Brixhe W-11, for which see MPhr-01.)
The inscription is on the horizontal part of the platform, in front of the semi-circular idol. There are three dextroversial lines of writing, the last one apparently shorter.

Inscription W-13
It is on the same rocks with the altars of Menekşe Kayalar. The highly eroded dextroverse inscription is discovered by Tüfekçi-Sivas on a flattened rock wall that has several small stylized niche remains on it.

pẹ/ḷi m?[-?-]
pẹ/ḷi n?
Berndt, D. 2019. ‘Midas City in Phrygia: Small Horizontal Reliefs Between Idols and Step Monuments’, in Phrygia in Antiquity: From the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period, ed. G. R. Tsetskhladze, Colloquia Antiqua 24, 501-524.
Brixhe, C. & T. Tüfekçi-Sivas. 2002. ‘Dédicace paléo-phrygienne inédite (Menekşekaya/Demirli)’, Kadmos 41, 103–116.
Brixhe, C. & T. Tüfekçi-Sivas. 2003. ‘Exploration de l’ouest de la Phrygie: nouveaux documents Paleo-Phrygiens’, Kadmos 42, 65-76.
Obrador-Cursach, B. 2018. Lexicon of the Phrygian Inscriptions, Thesis, Barcelona.
D. Berndt, 2019