Inscription M-01a
It is engraved on the upper left part of the facade and written dextroverse (from left to right), starting from the left corner level of the pediment and curving towards the akroterion. The name of King Midas is read here.

Ates ⁝ arkiaevais ⁞ akenanogavos ⁞ midai ⁞ lavagtaei ⁞ vanaktei ⁝ edaes
‘Attes the son of Archias, the akenanogavas, made (it) for Midas the leader (and) the king.’
Inscription M-01b
The dextroverse line is on the right side of the frame of the monument and written laterally in the space between the decoration and the edge of the frame.

baba ⁞ memevais ⁞ proitavos ⁝ k𐌘iyanaveyos ⁝ si keneman ⁝ edaes
‘Baba the son of Meme(s), the proitavos, the k𐌘iyanaveyos, made this niche.’
Inscription M-01c
Inside the central niche of the monument, on the left wall, there are two adjacent inscriptions.

matẹṛ.. atatas ṃ?onokaua
Inscription M-01d
There are several inscriptions inside the central niche of the monument, on the right wall. Two inscriptions are readable, but more traces and some letters are visible at the lowest part.

← midas
← s⸗materan
← tvemes eneparkes?
← matera[‑‑‑]
← avi[‑‑‑]
← a b?[‑‑‑].[.]nm.[‑‑‑]
(I) ‘Midas engraved this Mother-Goddes tvemes.’
Inscription M-01e
It is on the socle to the right of the central niche.

.. ao.. mạteṛey . ag?a …
Inscription M-01f
It is inside a niche in the rock wall to the left of the façade. It starts from the left wall of the niche and continues on its back and right wall.

[.?].as ⁞ tuave|niy ⁞ ae ⁞ esuryoyoy ⁞ totin ⁞ ẹḍaẹ[s]
‘X-as … made this present/offering.’
Brixhe, C. & M. Lejeune. 1984. Corpus des inscriptions paléo-phrygiennes, Paris.
Obrador-Cursach, B. 2018. Lexicon of the Phrygian Inscriptions, Thesis, Barcelona.
Image Sources:
Tayfun Bilgin, 2017