Inscription B-03
It is on a rectangular block found in 1976 reused as a building material in the Fıranlar village of Bilecik Pazaryeri. On the narrow front side are the two lines of a dextroverse writing separated by a horizontal line. The lower line continues to the right side of the block. It is thought that the inscription might have continued on a neighboring stone.

ẹṣk…a[ ] a.. […]
evtevey aỵ yosyos yenvṛạ | eti⸗t evtevey me.oun laked?ọ | [-?-]
Brixhe, C. & M. Lejeune. 1984. Corpus des inscriptions paléo-phrygiennes, Paris.
Neumann, G. 1981. ‘Die Altphrygische Inschrift von Firanlar Köyü’, Kadmos 20, 143-149.
Obrador-Cursach, B. 2018. Lexicon of the Phrygian Inscriptions, Thesis, Barcelona.
Image Sources:
G. Neumann, 1981.
C. Brixhe & M. Lejeune, 1984.