Inscription MPhr-01 (Brixhe W-11)
The white marble funerary stele with an 8-line Phrygian inscription was found by T. Drew-Bear in a field in the village of Alanyurt (17 km north of the ancient city of Dokimeion) in Afyonkarahisar. Unlike all other Old Phrygian inscriptions, which use the epichoric Old Phrygian alphabet, this inscription is written in the Greek alphabet, which is used in all Neo Phrygian inscriptions. However, all known Neo Phrygian inscriptions date to between the 1st and 3rd centuries CE, whereas this inscription is dated to the end of the 4th century BCE. Brixhe enumerates this inscription as W-11 along with the Old Phrygian inscriptions, while Obrador-Cursach enumerates it MPhr-01 as the first and so far the only example of the Middle Phrygian period. The entire text constitutes a 6-line poem, and colons are used to separate verses rather than words. The transliteration below is organized into 6 verses (Lubotsky, 2017).

1 μανκα μεκας σας κιυιν εν κε βιλαταδε|ναν νεκοινουν :
2 ποκραιου κη γλουρεος γαμενο̣υ̣ν̣ | σ̣α̣ σοροι ματι μακραν :
3 βλασκον κε τακρις κε λο̣υ̣ν̣|ι̣ο̣υ̣ μροτις λαπτα ματι ᾰοινουν :
4 νικοστρατο̣ς̣ | κ̣λ̣ευμαχοι μιρος αιδομενου ματιν κισυις :̣
5 μ̣ο̣|.κρος υιταν παρτιας πλαδε πορ κοροοσ̣ ..|ρ̣ο̣ς̣ παντης :
6 πεννιτι ιος κοροαν δετου̣ν̣ | σ̣ο̣υ̣ν ομαστα ομνισιτ ους.
Brixhe, C. 2004. ‘Corpus des inscriptions paléo-phrygiennes: Supplément II’, Kadmos 43, 1-130.
Lubotsky, A. 2017. ‘The Phrygian inscription from Dokimeion and its meter’, in Miscellanea Indogermanica. Festschrift für José Luis García Ramón zum 65. Geburtstag, eds. I. Hajnal et al., Innsbruck, 427-431.
Obrador-Cursach, B. 2018. Lexicon of the Phrygian Inscriptions, Thesis, Barcelona.
Image Sources:
C. Brixhe, 2004